While I’ve been sidetracked by work and other miscellaneous grown-up activities, I have been doing a lot of walking (none of which for the purpose of the Urban Hiking project, but still of the kind that earned my feet several blisters). From taking my granny cart to the Union Square Green Market on Saturdays, to discovering that pushing said cart up a hill with my purchases is, well, great exercise. Hats off to the many grandmothers who push their foldable wire shopping carts around. I must say, it’s easier said than done, particularly after a bountiful trip to the Trader Joe’s wine shop.
I have a big walk planned for this weekend, so stay tuned for a blog entry and (hopefully) some audio postings as well. I’m working on the podcast section of the blog, where you’ll be able to list to some of the interesting people I meet along the way.